Call 202.525.4585 to schedule an appointment

What We Believe

Our beliefs, values, thoughts, actions, behaviors, and other human experiences are expressions of our vital energy. This vital energy can be disrupted by life’s complexities that create obstacles to our smooth energy flow. Without this smooth flow of energy, there is obstruction and lack of balance. We call this obstruction dis-ease (a sprain, IBS, stress, depression, uncertainty or confusion). Energy Medicine re-aligns, rebalances and restores our flow and allows us and others to experience ourselves fully.

Woman smiling Spa stones

Your Commitment to You

There are times when what you believe can create pain and injury. Or times when what you feel can disrupt internal processes and create disease.

How is that possible? It’s possible because we are all creatures of habit and repeating the same incorrect beliefs, responding the same unhealthy way, or hiding the way we feel to save face for weeks, months, years, or decades sets us up for physical or psychological problems. In some cases we have been working on our illnesses since childhood.

To heal the problem, you may have to give up a particular habit. Acupuncture will guide us toward the resolution of the problem, the re-balancing of the affected systems and the realization that you no longer need the unhealthy habit.

You only have to be committed to allow the process to work which requires that:

  • You have an openness and willingness to listen to your own body and its internal wisdom;
  • Once we establish the treatment frequency, you come to your treatment sessions as per the schedule, or if that becomes impossible, we adjust the schedule;
  • You come on time for sessions;
  • You have eaten prior to sessions, and
  • You are able to take it easy, or ideally rest, after the treatment sessions.

Make an appointment today. Call (202) 525-4585.

Book release:

Five Elements for Life

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7500 Greenway Center Dr,
Suite 650
Greenbelt MD 20770

1001 Spring Street
Suite 117
Silver Spring, MD 20910


To schedule an appointment, call (202) 525-4585


To speak to me,
call (202) 359-6462

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